United Kingdom

A Dispatch from the UK

By |2022-03-02T16:50:20+00:00December 5th, 2018|Spotlight - Grants|

Neil Kinnock chatting with MLWGS students Last weekend, a group of Matt McGuire's AP Comparative Government students left for the United Kingdom.  We got a note from Mr. McGuire yesterday evening about some of what they've been up to.  "Today in the Parliament, we met with former Conservative Party Leader Iain Duncan Smith to discuss his actions in the House of Commons to compel the UK to leave the EU.  Then we met with

Grant Spotlight: UK Admissions

By |2022-03-02T16:54:46+00:00October 31st, 2018|Spotlight - Grants|

The MLWGS Counseling Office is administering Oxford and Cambridge admissions assessments this morning for interested students.  Though Maggie Walker sends by far the bulk of its graduates to colleges and universities in the United States, seniors do sometimes choose to pursue higher education abroad.  Application and admissions processes at international colleges and universities are often handled very differently than they are in the US.  Our counselors are now better equipped to help student interested in attending college abroad

Grant Spotlight: AP Comp Gov UK Trip

By |2022-03-02T16:57:53+00:00October 16th, 2018|Spotlight - Grants|

If you want a small taste of the Britishness in store for the MLWGS students going on Mr. McGuire's AP Comparative Government trip to the UK this winter, we recommend calling UK Parliament for the hold message alone.  "Have you thought about taking afternoon tea on the terrace overlooking the River Thames? You are currently #2 in the queue."  Mr. McGuire's AP Comparative Government trip to Canada has become something of an institution at MLWGS.  This

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